09/11/2021 | DAPHabitat

Environmental Product Declarations as a systematisation tool

Victor Ferreira, Chairman of the Board of Cluster Sustainable Habitat and Professor at the University of Aveiro, was the guest of the 5th episode of GrowingCircle Talks, a project of the EEA Grants and structured by the Construction Institute and the NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology. In this episode, Vitor Ferreira shared his vision on the systematization of information in the construction sector and the importance of tools that contribute to decision making.

In this sense, the role of Environmental Product Declarations (EPD) was mentioned as tools developed in the circularity domain. EPDs make it possible to compare options within the same product category, providing useful information for the ECOdesign of products and buildings.

The digitalization of these instruments easily makes relevant environmental information available so that all those who design actions based on sustainability can consult it and make the best decision through calculated environmental parameters.

Watch the full video HERE and learn more about EPDs!