
The process of the EPD registration in the DAPHabitat System is managed by the Programme Operator. This process must begin only after the EPD is verified by a third independent party (certification body). In order to proceed with the EPD registration, the requiring organisation shall contact the Programme Operator


Necessary documentation:

  • Registration form
  • Copy of the EPD verification validation
  • EPD (word document)
  • Short description of the organisation
  • Company logotype (vector or .jpeg)
  • High resolution pictures of the product(s) or service(s) declared in the EPD


Registration fees and maintenance

In order to carry out the registration and publication of an EPD in the DAPHabitat System, there are two different costs associated with the process. The following fees concern the administration and maintenance costs of the DAPHabitat System.


Registration fee

This fee is connected to the registration and publication of an approved EPD in the programme’s database (Search EPD). This fee applies to each registered EPD and is valid through a 5-year period.

The renewal of registration (after 5 years) involves the application of a new rate that have arisen in the case of changes to the document (EPD), represents about 80% of the initial registration fee, and validate the publication of the EPD System for 5 years.

EPD Registration Registration Fee
1st Registration 1200 €
2nd Registration 500 €
3rd Registration 400 €
From the 4th Registration 300 €


The associates of the Plataforma para a Construção Sustentável, managing entity of the Cluster Habitat Sustentável, that have their membership up to date, will have a 50% discount on the 1st Registration fee for their first EPD.


Annual maintenance fee

This fee includes all maintenance costs connected to the EPD in the programme’s database. This is an independent cost from the number of registered EPDs. The annual fee is connected to the maintenance of every EPD registered by an organisation.

Type of organisation Annual Fee
Large 300 €
SME 200 €

The payment of the maintenance annual fee must be made when the EPD is registered accordingly to the validation period (up to 5 years).

The annual maintenance fee covers the use of the DAPHabitat and ECO Platform brand, submission and posting on the ECO Portal of the ECO Platform, follow-up of meetings of the ECO Platform working groups, follow-up of updates of the European regulations underlying the preparation of the EPD, respective review and updating of the DAPHabitat registration system and management of the different supporting documents (PCR).

If the company wants that the EPD is registered together in the ECOPlatform, the documents must be submitted in english. 

VAT is not included in the values indicated for the Registration Fee and the Annual Maintenance Fee and may undergo periodic review.


Registration of DAP verified abroad

In the framework of the mutual recognition of EPDs between registration programme operators as members of the ECOPlatform, the DAPhabitat system recognises the verification performed by verifiers which are validated by those partner systems, if their EPD declaration of compliance is delivered at the time of registration.