Palacio de Congresos Manuel Rojas | Badajoz (Espanha), 30/10/2019 to 31/10/2019 | DEGREN - DEsign & GReen ENgineering

I EUROACE Ecodesign Meeting

The I EUROACE Ecodesign Meeting will take place on the 30th and 31st of October, at the Palacio de Congresos Manuel Rojas in Spain, an event aimed at meeting innovative minds from the EUROACE Region committed to raising awareness of ECODESIGN and the opportunities that this offers for the improvement of business competitiveness, and with the promotion of actions for its development in the regions of Extremadura, in Spain, Alentejo and Centro, in Portugal from the point of view of innovation and the exchange of ideas.

Program and free registration here:

(DEGREN - DEsign & GReen ENgineering é o nome do projeto Interreg POCTEP em que se enquadra este evento, do qual o Cluster Habitat Sustentável é parceiro).