14/04/2021 to 14/04/2021 | ESTGV - Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão de Viseu

Life Cycle Analysis for Construction Products

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is one of the most important analytical tools to provide the scientific basis for engineering solutions for sustainability, both in the design phase and during the product life cycle. With the application of LCA, it is possible to optimize all aspects of production, from the extraction of the material to the final destination of the waste.  

In this context, and within the scope of the Project "PROJ / IPV / ID & I / 0018 Environmental Assessment of Sustainable Products in the Granite Transformation Industry (AAPSITG)", a Workshop will be held on 14/04/21, at 14:00, having as subject "Life Cycle Analysis for Products in the Construction Sector".

The registration link is https://forms.gle/GxQMVM1FfATTqj5J6 and they must be made until 11/04/21.

The email for contact is workshop.acv.estgv@gmail.com


Workshop promoted by ESTGV - School of Technology and Management of Viseu.