Development of new PCR

The development of PCRs for a product category should be conducted in a way that it is internationally accepted based on an open, transparent and participatory process through the involvement and knowledge of companies, experts in LCA and scientific and technological institutions.

Why develop a new PCR document?

  • An entity wishing to develop an EPD should look for, in the first instance contact with the DAPHabitat System, a PCR document supporting the LCA study of the product. If the DAPHabitat System does not have the desired PCR document available and this document does not exist in another registration programme, the development of this document shoul be made.

How to proceed?

  • In case of the need to develop a new PCR document, the organisation shall develop the LCA study according to the PCR document: baseline model for Construction Services and Products in the DAPHabitat System, elaborating simultaneously the specific PCR document for category product under review..

Development Methodology of new PCRs


The initial phase of the PCR development that constitutes the foundation that supports the entire developing process of the document

This phase includes the following elements:

  • Appointment of a Moderator for the PCR development;
  • Assessment of existing PCRs;
  • Ascertaining LCA/PCR experts;
  • Cooperation between all interested parties;
  • Definition and constitution of the sectorial panels;
  • Announcement of the initiation phase onset.

The preparation phase of a PCR is divided into a few important activities that enable the orientation of the parties throughout a group of demanding tasks.

Therefore, the preparation phase includes the following elements:

  • Identify the parameters to be included in future EPDs;
  • Specify the LCA methodology to be explored in the PCR;
  • Select relevant additional environmental information;
  • Verify if there is coherence with normative demands.

Within the process of creating PCRs, all developed documents must be subject to an “open” consultation procedure before its final version being published in the DAPHabitat System database.

This consultation phase is of the responsibility of the programme operator and the PCR coordinator, being divided into the following tasks:

  • Identify the interested parties to be involved in the discussion (communicating to the identified members as potential interested parties);
  • Prepare the open consultation procedure through the PCR Forum;
  • Collect the comments and validate them, adding up to the proposal the collected contributions.

The validation and approval of the final PCR is one of the terminal phases of the process of creating a PCR document and is therefore divided into the following sub phases:

  • Finalisation of the PCR proposal;
  • Validation procedure of the final version;
  • PCR approval;
  • Validity of PCR document.

After finalising the process of creating and validating PCR documents, these must be published in the DAPHabitat System database.

The publication and promotion of the document are the programme operator’s responsibility. The PCR publication also implies the publication of all the documentation and relevant information that supported its development, which must be endorsed along with the final PCR document.

A PCR document is valid for a 5-year period, thus it must be subject to a revision process when this period expires or the need for updating arises.

When one predetermines this updating need before the ending of the validity period, this intention shall be published in the document.

In an initial phase, the updating process of a PCR document must show that the document:

  • Is written accordingly to the rules of the document (updated version);
  • Is in conformity with the applicable normative demands;
  • Provides the necessary prescriptions so that the essential environmental features of the product are presented in the EPDs.


More information about the development of specific PCR documents can be found in the General Instructions of the DAPHabitat System.

The programme operator provides a guidance document for the development of PCRs, which can be used by the Coordinators of the PCR. The document is intended to guide these participants in the development process, and serve as a support document for the process, and subsequently closed after the work done.