
The category “Member of the DAPHabitat System” is given to all organizations, associations or technical experts in Life Cycle Assessment and Product Category Rules that are interested in supporting the growth and development of this registration program by participating in discussion and open consultations.

If you are interested in becoming a member of the DAPHabitat System, please contact

It is not mandatory to be a member to have access to the databases of the program or to register an EPD, however we request the registration of all those interested in this issue of environmental product declaration, so that this kind of specific information may be discussed by potential interested parties. As members of the DAPHabitat System will be invited to participate in actions such as:

  • Development of new PCRs;
  • Contributions to the improvement and development of the registration program;
  • Seminars and workshops developed by the program operator.

To make the DAPHabitat system a better system, we count with contribution of the members of this system to develop the best practices possible, encouraging the manufactures of building products to make an Environmental Product Declaration. Once we believe the EPD’s are a reliable communication tool of the environmental performance of their products and an added value for the evaluation of the sustainability of the construction sector in Portugal.